Movie Review: KING ON SCREEN

Movie Review: KING ON SCREEN


Director: Daphné Baiwir
Starring: Mike Flanagan, Mick Garris, Frank Darabont, Greg Nicotero, Tom Holland, Taylor Hackford, Vincenzo Natali, Josh Boone, Lewis Teague

Stephen King readers can be quite picky about their big screen adaptations. The new documentary King on Screen dives into some of the many classic page to screen adaptations that have stood the test of time. It all started back with Stephen King’s debut novel Carrie and its visually stunning film by Brian DePalma. It catapulted readers and moviegoers onto King’s work. King On Screen director Daphné Baiwir interviews a plethora of directors, writers, and behind the screen crew detailing what draws them to King’s work time and time again. They dive into movies like The Shining, Misery, Stand By Me, The Shawshank Redemption and more with behind the scenes stories about casting, filmmaking, and special effects. One of the more fascinating angles is a discussion on what makes for a good Stephen King adaptation as so many of his books cannot be directly translated to film given the differences in the mediums, and we see his work and characters through our own personal lenses which may be different than how others view it. In Theaters on August 11th and available On Demand and Blu-Ray on September 8th

Here’s my review

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